2022: Beyond Change
Whether it’s changing diapers or closing deals, the light you have to offer the world may surprise you. Hear the story of how one diaper-slinging mom set out to make a difference at one child welfare office, and how her light of Mothering leant itself to illuminate the darkened world of child welfare. Be inspired to find the one thing about YOU that cannot and should not be hidden. The world NEEDS the light that only you can offer.
Utilizing the experiences of the past to get uncomfortably safe for the future. Why doing this in workplace not only helps us achieve better success at work, but translates to better success in the rest of life. Why therapy is one of many tools that helps us discover who we really are and what we can really achieve in life.
It took years to break my mindset bondage. We must move from our past experiences that cripple our confidence, to allow those adverse challenges to catapult our actions and engage in the process of change.
It’s critical we not only achieve a clean energy future, but one that is reliable and affordable. The path is narrow. Here’s how to do it in a smart way.
A man’s search for significance through the modern social ideology leads him down a road of pain and destruction. In times of him being broken down to where he believes he is nothing, convinced that he has no value, he then finds what he was truly looking for, Himself.
Multiple Sclerosis brought her to the door of change. What she didn’t expect was that there was a choice to be made. Beyond change was the invitation into transformation.
COVID came with many unexpected surprises for me to unpack, but I wasn’t in the mood for that. I wanted my life back. After the initial shock, the added time and space allowed me to re-examine my priorities. I now have a sense of clarity in a way I never experienced before.