Nerd Passion, Heroic Purpose: Discovering Your Hero’s Journey

Jedi Teacher-Librarian Paul Warner embraced his passion for Sci-Fi Fantasy, turned it into purpose, and shares how we are all on a Hero’s Journey to discover ourselves and help others.


Paul Warner has been a teacher and librarian in the Vancouver area for 26 years, and a Jedi since 1977. He was recently named Middle School Teacher-Librarian of the Year by the Washington Library Association for 2023. Growing up in the 70’s-80s was a tough time to be a nerd, but Paul learned he was on a Hero’s Journey to discover how to turn his Sci-Fi Fantasy passion into a heroic educational purpose to engage kids with reading and creativity, and to encourage them to be themselves. Paul shares how we are all on a Hero’s Journey to find our purpose and to help others. Discover how similar we are to timeless sci-fi fantasy characters throughout the ages - from ancient myths to modern day Jedi Knights and Superheroes.

Instagram & Twitter:@jediguybrarian

Youtube: @jediguybrarianwarner

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