The Money Game Experience

An experience to explore your habits and unconscious beliefs around money.

Invented by Daniel Ofman at the Findhorn Community in the highlands of Scotland, the Money Game has been played by groups around the world as a way to help us think about, and deconstruct, our relationship to money.

There’s often no better way to test and draw out our hidden behaviors and assumptions than by playing a game. The Money Game helps us explore (and manifest) the habits and unconscious beliefs that determine our relationship to money and learn through both our individual experience as well as interactions and reflections with the wider group.

As a personal experience in a group setting, the Money Game is never the same, but it varies based on what all participants bring to the table. Your experience is shaped by your own relationship to money, the good & bad qualities you attach to it, and the histories & imagined futures you associate with it. While this can surface discomfort and painful emotions for some, it also creates fertile ground for individual & collective growth.

How it works

What happens during the game is quite simple — several rounds of “play” with a group people, interspersed with journaling and reflective dialogue — but in keeping with tradition of the game, we don’t share all the details in advance.

Participants are asked to "bring” a meaningful amount of money in cash that they feel comfortable letting go of, but that is enough to “trigger” their learning. To ensure a meaningful experience, it is important that participants take a few minutes to feel into what this amount might be for them. People have played with anywhere from $10 to over $500.

"This game reveals so much more than you can imagine, it tells you about your ancestor's heritage and also your legacy. It's a journey through time."
Audrey Hespel-Campus, Decathlon


The hosting team aims to create an environment of care and safety. However, it is very important that you are aware that you are 100% responsible for your own experience within the game. Your experience is yours; your boundaries are yours, and your needs are yours. It is important that participation must be optional and at the will of each participant — that no one is required or coerced to attend — and that every participant plans to stay the entire duration of the game so there is sufficient time to process & reflect on whatever happens and to nurture any difficult moments that arise.


The Money Game was originally developed in the Findhorn Community in Scotland and began its tradition in Greaterthan when it was introduced to us by Tom Nixon in 2017. He was using this practice as part of his Source and Money Work, which was developed by the seminal thinker Peter Koenig.